When email marketing began around 1978, its low cost, speedy delivery, and great response rates made marketers wonder if direct mail would disappear forever.
Today, that couldn’t be further from the truth. An overload of digital messages has caused open and click-through rates to decline substantially, and many spam filters and firewalls block emails altogether.
At the same time, a volume decrease in traditional mail has allowed direct mail marketing to rise to the top of the mailbox, being noticed, read, and responded to more frequently.
on Monday, 15 June 2020.
Posted in Branding, Marketing

Design is a process that turns an idea or a requirement into a finished product.
While many people believe designs just “happen,” that isn’t the case. Some designs may come together quickly, but generally, there are many stages along the way. Whether you need full-service graphic design or collaboration together along the way, it can be helpful to approach the design process in stages.
Want to produce more inspiring designs? Approach the process in a strategic, focused way. Here are four key stages:
on Thursday, 11 June 2020.
Posted in Branding, Services, Marketing

Of all the elements of design, color is probably the most challenging to understand.
Color originates from a light source that is viewed directly or seen as reflected light. While colors can be displayed in spectrums, prisms, or contrasts, the power of colors is not only in their arrangement, but in the way we perceive them.
Want to add depth to your message? The colors you choose can add an extra layer of meaning.
on Monday, 08 June 2020.
Posted in Branding, Marketing

If you wanted to make a splash at a spring gala, what color would you wear?
If you wanted to be known for your edgy personality, what kind of car would you drive?
Just as your personal appearance creates emotion or impact, your design choices will too. While we often undervalue text in designs, every font has a unique personality and purpose. A little font change can go a long way.
With that in mind, take a look at font psychology and see how using it well can win customers through print!
on Friday, 10 April 2020.
Posted in Branding, Marketing, Advertising

Want to give your business a gift that keeps giving?
You can do this by giving gifts to other people. According to the ACI 2019 Impressions study, promotional products bring some of the highest rates of return on advertising, trumping all other forms of media. Consumers surveyed said they were nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a favorable opinion of promotional products compared to online advertising, and consumers under 55 preferred a promotional product message over EVERY other advertising medium (including print, online, or traditional mass media).
on Monday, 30 March 2020.
Posted in Branding, Marketing, Advertising

Want to sculpt an eye-catching identity and bring your print projects to life?
You dream it; we’ll print it! With today’s technology, you can print concepts as varied as your ideas and as rich as your imagination. Ready to toss the template and try something a little different? Here are a few ideas to push the boundaries in your next design.
on Wednesday, 11 March 2020.
Posted in Marketing Strategies, Branding, Marketing, Advertising

Can you spot the mistakes in this paragraph?
Melissa was excited about her son’s swimming ability. This fall, she asked, “Would you like to join the swim team”? Sammy was thrilled about the idea, accept for one thing: the tight swimsuits. “Why do I have to wear spandex”, he complained, “I’m all ready the fastest swimmer in the pool”!
Grammar can be painful.
on Wednesday, 26 February 2020.
Posted in Taking Pride in Your Work, Marketing Strategies, Branding, Marketing, Advertising

In building brand awareness, a sales pitch is the hook, and consistent marketing is the “glue” that pulls your visuals and words together in a relatable way.
Marketing is about building relationships, and people commit to brands that seem dependable and trustworthy. Companies lure you in with witty slogans or incredible offers, but it’s a brand’s reliability that keeps you coming back. Customers stay loyal to brands when they feel comfortable and “in sync” with them, and the key to building that dependability is consistent, stylish marketing.
What does that look like in real life?
3 Examples of Brand-Building Marketing
Here are three organizations that do brand consistency well, and some take-home tips you can grab from their examples.
on Wednesday, 19 February 2020.
Posted in Marketing Strategies, Branding, Marketing, Advertising

For many decades, stickers and labels have been helping to establish brands, elect politicians, spark micro-marketing engagement, and build social proof.
Stickers and labels are more popular than ever. Just sit in a coffee shop for 20 minutes and look at the water bottles, laptops, or notebooks of young people. Stickers are not only inexpensive and enduring, but they are also fun for users!
on Friday, 07 February 2020.
Posted in Marketing Strategies, Branding, Marketing, Advertising

2019 was a year where taking risks in design was considered normal.
What design trends can you look forward to this year? As we round the corner into a new decade, we may see a softening of some of 2019’s more abrasive trends and a shift toward simplified contrasts when designers want to be bold.
Here’s a sneak peek at five design trends to watch for in 2020:
1. Beautiful Flowing Shapes & Lines
The last few years have brought an abundance of geometric, rigid, proper shapes.
In the new year, these designs will be replaced by more flowing shapes, patterns, and lines. Flowing shapes can convey a natural, abstract, peaceful feel on a page. Whether you use a soft speech bubble to surround text or place images overflowing water or lava currents in your backgrounds, this shift toward flowing lines brings a down-to-earth, creative, and authentic tone.
on Monday, 27 January 2020.
Posted in Marketing Strategies, Branding, Marketing, Advertising
Just Do It.
Think Different.
Have You Had Your Break Today?
You Can’t Beat the Real Thing.
The 1990s brought us many of the world’s most iconic slogans, but certain companies have a corner on memorable branding.
For example, a 2015 survey of 3,000 people in the U.S. and the United Kingdom were shown logos of 100 top global brands, then asked to name and describe those they found most memorable. Nike was at the top (16% of respondents cited it), followed by Apple (at 15.6%), McDonald's (at 11.1%), and Coca-Cola (at 9.7%). (Read more)
on Friday, 06 December 2019.
Posted in Trade Show Products, Branding, Marketing, Advertising
Design resolution refers to the sharpness and detail of images, and print resolution is measured in DPI, or dots per inch. Quite simply, the more dots of ink that are printed per inch, the higher the resolution, sharpness, and quality you will find in an image.
on Monday, 05 August 2019.
Posted in Loyalty, Appreciation, Marketing Strategies, Branding, Marketing
In 2014, an animated film titled “Super Amma” was created to teach mothers in rural India the importance of consistent hand-washing.
Because families had no running water (and typically only used soap when dirt was visible), changing mindsets was a daunting task. The solution?
on Wednesday, 03 July 2019.
Posted in Loyalty, Appreciation, Marketing Strategies, Branding, Marketing
Recently we have seen several debates, both online and off, about whether newsletters are still an effective marketing tool. Quite a few online marketing “experts” have stated that newsletters have become largely useless, and there now exist much more effective marketing tools for reaching your current and potential customers. To quote a recently famous college football commentator: “Not so fast, my friends!”
In the fast paced, ever-changing world of marketing, people are often looking for the newest, latest and supposedly greatest idea for reaching people that no one has ever tried. Newsletters quickly get dismissed for being too time consuming to write and put together when they are destined for the trash bin (hard copies) or spam folders (email copy).
While this may be true for some newsletters, at Print It Plus we have found through the years that our bi-monthly newsletter still gets read by a sizable number of recipients, and we still get a consistent number of responses to either our call to action, a comment on our marketing tips and advice, or someone complimenting our “Recipe of the Month”.
How can you still find consistent value in creating and sending out a monthly newsletter?
on Wednesday, 17 April 2019.
Posted in Loyalty, Business Mailing List, Networking, Consumer Mailing List, Branding, Services, Marketing, Advertising
The winter of 2013 was a hard one for Georgette Carter.
As a single mom raising two young boys while she cared for a father with dementia, money was very tight. Then, she totaled her car and found her resources – and her hope – were nearly gone. That is, until a 1996 blue Ford Contour arrived from the Connor Brother Collisions “Recycled Rides” program.
Conner Brothers of Richmond, VA, overhauls donated cars and awards them to people who have been nominated by community members. Carter said her heart was rehabilitated almost more than the car she received:
“It turned my life around. I can get to my job on time, and I don’t have to maneuver to get my child out of daycare. I’ll never take that for granted again.”
on Tuesday, 22 January 2019.
Posted in Loyalty, Networking, Marketing Strategies, Targeted Mailing Lists, Branding, Services, Marketing, Advertising